The transport impacts of any development need to be considered throughout the planning process – from feasibility to construction – and GTA Civils & Transport can provide all the professional advice and guidance you need.
We have decades of combined experience in preparing Transport Assessments, Statements and Reports to support planning applications.
Our highly-experienced Transport team has worked on a wide range of projects – from residential, commercial and education, to faith establishments and solar farms.
We also have significant Local Government experience within the Transport Team. This allows us to offer a comprehensive service to both Planning and Highway Authorities from the development of area wide transport models to local access requirements.
Our Transport Director Lawrence Stringer is a Professional Reviewer for the CIHT, reviewing and interviewing those members of the institute who wish to become Chartered Engineers & Incorporated Engineers.
If you are looking to get a project off the ground, we would be very pleased to provide initial friendly advice for all your transport needs. Please contact us for more information.
- Master Planning & Feasibility Assessments
- Input into Local Development Plans
- Advice on planning applications
- Transport Assessments, Transport Statements, & Transport Reports
- Highway Access reports
- Travel Plans
- Expert Witness at Planning Appeals and Local Plan Examinations in Public
- Traffic & Transport Modelling
- Assistance to Local Authorities
- Advice on Section 106 agreements
- Provide a complete package on Section 278s
Master Planning & Feasibility Assessments
We provide a full package of transport advice and guidance from small residential and commercial schemes to large multi-use developments. This includes:
- Advice on strategic access, local access and the wider traffic impacts of larger scale developments.
- Assessment of the accessibility of the site for pedestrians and cyclists and the integration with existing settlements.
- Assessment of opportunities to integrate with existing public transport services and hubs
Input into Local Development Plans
We provide a range of services from building transport models, through interpretation of new or existing models outputs, to assessment of smaller development options. We can also assist with policy development.
Advice on planning applications
We can provide:
- Advice and support in relation to applications already submitted.
- Quick detailed professional advice for developers and residents.
- Assessment of the key local issues such as road safety, highway link & junction capacity and accessibility.
Transport Assessments, Transport Statements, & Transport Reports
We can prepare a range of different transport reports depending on the nature and scale of your proposed development.
A Transport Assessment / Statement / Report is a comprehensive and systematic process that sets out the transport issues relating to a proposed development and its transport impacts. It identifies measures to deal with any unacceptable transport impacts of the development and to maintain or improve accessibility and safety for all modes of travel, particularly for sustainable alternatives to the car such as walking, cycling and public transport.
Highway Access reports
We offer Highway Access Reports for smaller access proposals including assessment of vehicle speed, road safety and visibility requirements.
Travel Plans
Our Travel Plans will cover the short, medium and longer term management strategies for encouraging sustainable travel options at your site.
We prepare Travel Plans to suit your individual needs including:
- Travel Plan Frameworks,
- School Travel Plans;
- Large scale Residential Travel Plans;
- Travel Plans for business
We also provide post planning permission management of your Travel Plans including guidance, surveys and reports.
Expert Witness at Planning Appeals and Local Plan Examinations in Public
We have extensive experience and knowledge of the planning appeals process and the public examination of local plans. We offer expert transport witness input into all types of appeals:
- Written Representations,
- Informal Hearings and;
- Public Inquiries.
Traffic & Transport Modelling
We offer a range of traffic and transport modelling services, including the development of wider strategic transport modelling such as SATURN, & VISSIM. We also offer junction impact analysis using:
Assistance to Local Authorities
As we have extensive local Government experience, we are able to offer a full Transport Development Control service to Highway Authorities. This can be provided on a case by case basis or more comprehensively over a fixed term.
For example, we are providing support to both East and West Sussex County Councils’ transport teams.
For West Sussex County Council (WSCC) we are undertaking the Transport Development Control role helping them assess the proposed 500 unit developments at Goring Station and West Street, Sompting.
For East Sussex County Council (ESCC), we are assisting the Transport Policy team in developing transport models to assess the impact of future development scenarios.