GTA Civils & Transport specialises in the preparation of Flood Risk Assessments (FRA) and other associated documents, including Flood Risk Management Plans (also referred to as Flood Warning and Evacuation Plans).
We have an outstanding track record in achieving approvals and produce dozens of Flood Risk Assessments a year for clients for all types of projects.
GTA Civils & Transport has been successful in obtaining approval for particularly difficult projects, including those lying within areas prone to coastal or river flooding. Surface Water flooding is now treated by many flood authorities as strictly as river/coastal flooding – and we have had many successes with these challenges.
We are happy to provide advice on the proposed levels and positioning of buildings in order to maximise the chances of success for our clients, both in relation to Local Planning Authority or Environment Agency approvals and to ensure the long term health and safety of sites’ occupants.
Our appointments have been many and varied, including projects comprising dwellings, commercial, retail, education, public assembly and worship, industrial and agricultural components. We have helped clients obtain planning permission for new builds, extensions, change of use and divisions (where a single dwelling is split into two or more flats – or HMOs).
We also prepare FRA reports for Prior Approval applications for change of use from agricultural and offices to residential dwellings.
- Flood Risk Assessments to comply with NPPF
- Flood plain compensation Schemes
- Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
- Sewer and watercourse diversions
- Surface and foul water drainage strategy
- Attenuation and storage design for the peak 1 in 100 year storm event (plus 40% climate change allowance) using MicroDrainage software.
- Soakaway design to BRE 365
- FRAs to comply with current legislation and guidance
- Flood Risk Management Plans
We would be very pleased to provide initial informal advice on the requirements of your Flood Risk Assessment. Please call us on 01444 871444 or send an enquiry via the form on the Contact Us page.